Hakikat Keilmuan Ilmu Hukum
The nature of the science of law is often questioned. The question is with regard whether or not the law belongs to a science. If it belongs to a science, then what science is it categorized? Does it belong to social, natural or human science? A debate on this is certainly interesting, because some argue that the law is a natural science.
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Agus Yudha Harnoko. Quid Iuris (Ke arah mana hukum itu) Kajian Filosofis dan Keilmuan Ilmu Hukum. Perspektif Hukum. Vol. 8 No. 1 Mei 2008.
Arend Soeteman. Ilmu Hukum Yang Ilmiah, Komentar Terhadap Prasaran dari Carel Smith Tentang Karakter Normatif Ilmu Hukum. dalam Arend Soeteman dan Carel Smith, tentang Keilmuan Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Parahyangan Bandung. 2011.
Bambang Sugiri. Ilmu Hukum Dalam Pusaran Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan. Risalah Hukum. Fakultas Hukum UNMUL, Desember 2008.
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