Peran Hukum dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (Tinjauan Terhadap Aspek Penanaman Modal Asing)
The Presence of Economic opportunities, political stability and legal certainty are important in order for foreign capital can enter a country; and the aspect of legal certainty is the key word which is the main consideration of foreign investors. any change made in the regulation of foreign investment in Indonesia, is one of the goverment's efforts to create an open and conducive climate for foreign investments, overseeing the contruction of national unity, which ultimately aims for the walfare of the people of Indonesia.
Hukum dan Pembangunan Ekonomi
Full Text:
Aminudin Ilmar, 2007. Hukum Penanaman Modal Indonesia, Prenada Media Group, Jakarta.
Anjaz Hilman,
Endang, Bahan Kuliah Peranan Hukum dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi, Pasca Sarjana UAJY, 2011.
Fokky Fuad, Hukum, Demokrasi, dan Pembangunan:
F. Sugeng Istanto, Bahan Kuliah Politik Hukum, Program Pasca Sarjana Magister Ilmu Hukum UAJ Yogyakarta, 2010.
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