Gambaran Usia dan Paritas Ibu Hamil Yang Mengalami Ketuban Pecah Dini Di rumah Sakit Fatima Parepare

Zulkifli Bin Ahmad Syam, Andreas Tena, Martinus Jimung


Background: Premature rupture of membranes is an important problem in obstetrics which can also cause infection in the mother and baby and can increase morbidity and mortality in the mother and baby. Objective: To determine the age and parity of mothers who experience premature rupture of membranes at Fatima Hospital, Parepare City. Research method: used in the research was a retrospective descriptive method used to determine the age and parity of mothers who experienced premature rupture of membranes. Research subjects: as many as 30 patient data. Research results: Of the 30 respondents, the majority of mothers aged 20-34 experienced premature rupture of membranes, 20 respondents (66.6%) and 30 respondents, the majority of mothers with parity <2 and > 4 experienced premature rupture of membranes, 22 (73.3%). %). Suggestion: Future researchers are advised to examine other factors that influence the occurrence of premature rupture of membranes.

Kata Kunci

premature rupture of membranes (KPD), age, and parity

Teks Lengkap:



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