Effectiveness of PMT Supplement Biscuit to Hemoglobin Content of Pregnant Woman in Pare Pare City

Henrick Sampeangin


Malnutrition that occurs during pregnancy has a cumulative effect on pregnant women's hemoglobin levels. Currently there is a lack of information on the effectiveness of new PMT biscuits produced by the Ministry of Health, Indonesia in 2015 against pregnant women hemoglobin level. This research was conducted using quantitative method that aims to analyze the effectiveness of PMT biscuits containing multi micronutrients to pregnant women hemoglobin and also to investigate the difference of hemoglobin level before and after consuming PMT biscuit. 54 questionnaires were distributed to all participants by using purposive sampling,
which were then analyzed by applying the paired sample t-test in SPSS.

Kata Kunci

affectivity; PMT biscuit; pregnancy women; hemoglobin; paired sample t-test.

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