Gambaran Tingkat Ekonomi dan Pemberian ASI Ekslusif Terhadap Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak di Wilayah Kerja PKM Lapadde Kota Parepare

Iis Adeliana, Martina Malla, Sukri Sukri


Background : Stunting is currently a serious problem for children and the younger generation which threatens qualified Indonesian Human Resources (HR) candidates. Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in toddlers due to long-term malnutrition. The problem of malnutrition is caused by poverty, poor environmental sanitation and ignorance about nutrition and the importance of giving children exclusive breast milk for 6 months. Government programs in efforts to deal with stunting in Indonesia that have been published include providing and ensuring access to clean water, fortifying food, providing additional food (PMT), providing assistance and sosial security for poor families, and increasing food and nutrition security. This research was conducted to determine the description of the economic level and exclusive breastfeeding on the incidence of stunting in children in the PKM Lapadde Working Area, Parepare City. Research methods used in this research is quantitative descriptive with an instrument in the form of a questionnaire sheet. Research subject of all children suffering from stunting in the PKM Lapadde working area, namely 45 children. Research result Of the 45 respondents, 5 families (11.1%) had an income of >3,400,000 and 40 families (88.9%) had an income of <3,400,000. Of the 45 respondents, it was found that 19 respondents (42.2%) gave exclusive breastfeeding and 26 respondents (57.8%) did not give exclusive breast milk. Suggestion Families, especially mothers, are expected to pay more attention to their children, especially their parenting patterns and MP-ASI.

Kata Kunci

Stunting, Economic Level, Exclusive Breastfeeding

Teks Lengkap:



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