Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui pengetahuan Anak SD Katolik Parepare tentang Pengaruh Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan, (3) mengetaahui sikap anak SD Katolik Parepare mengenai Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan, (4) Tindakan Anak SD Katolik Parepare Terhadap Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangana dan (5) Resiko Diare pada Anak SD Katolik Parepare Pengaruh Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SD Katolik Parepare tahun ajaran 2019/2020 yang terdiri dari enam (6) kelas yang berjumlah 285 orang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel stratified random sampling non test dengan sampel sebanyak 123 responden di SD Katolik Parepare. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan statistik parametrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 123 reponden tentang faktor pengetahuan yang berpengaruh sebanyak 36 Siswa (29,3% ) dan tidak berpengaruh sebanyak 87 siswa (70,7% ). Hasil penelitian sikap positif anak usia sekolah terhadap kebiasaan mencuci tangan sebanyak 69 orang (56,1%) dan sikap negatif sebanyak 54 orang (43,9%). Hasil penelitian tindakan mencuci tangan sebanyak 64 orang (52%) dan tidak melakukan kebiasaan mencuci tangan sebanyak 59 orang (48%). Hasil Penelitian resiko diare pada anak usia sekolah pada SD Katolik Parepare pengaruh kebiasaan mencuci tangan sebanayak 61 orang (49,6%) dan yang tidak beriko sebanyak 62 orang (50,4%). Sedangkan hasil analisis statistik inferensial dengan regresi terhadap pengaruh kebiasaan mencuci tangan melalui pendekatan statistik parametric, yaitu uji hubungan dua variable yang mempunyai hubungan, maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara kebiasaan mencuci tangan dengan resiko diare anak usia sekolah pada anak SD Katolik Parepare diperoleh nilai p = 0,907 untuk α = 0,05. Itu berarti nilai R square 0,907 adalah pengkuadratan dari koefisien korelasi atau nilai R (0,952 x 0,952 = 0,907). R square dapat disebut koefisien determinasi yang dalam hal ini kebiasaan mencuci tangan siswa dipengaruhi oleh tindakan siswa untuk mencegah resiko diare 0,907%, selebihnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh pengetahuan dan sikap positif siswa terhadap kebiasaan mencuci tangan dalam mencegah resiko diare pada anak SD Katolik Parepare masih rendah. Diperlukan suatu upaya pendampingan dari orangtua dalam menunjukkan keteladanan terhadap kebiasaan mencuci tangan di lingkungan rumah serta penyuluhan yang berkesinambungan dari tenaga pendidik dan kesehatan agar siswa terbiasa mencuci tangan sebelum dan setelah melakukan aktivitas agar dapat mencegah resiko diare.
This study aims to: (1) find out the knowledge of Parepare Catholic Elementary School children about the influence of hand washing habits, (3) to know the attitudes of Parepare Catholic elementary school children regarding hand washing habits, (4) the actions of Parepare Catholic elementary school children towards hand washing habits and (5) Diarrhea Risk for Parepare Catholic Elementary School Children The Effect of Handwashing Habit. The population of this study were students of the Parepare Catholic Elementary School for the 2019/2020 school year which consisted of six (6) classes totaling 285 people. This type of research is descriptive. The sampling technique was stratified random sampling non-test with a sample of 123 respondents in Parepare Catholic Elementary School. Data were analyzed using a parametric statistical approach. The results showed that of the 123 respondents about the influencing factor of knowledge as many as 36 students (29.3%) and no effect as many as 87 students (70.7%). The results of this study were 69 students (56.1%) of positive attitudes of school-age children and 54 (43.9%) of negative attitudes. The result of this research was that there were 64 people (52%) who did not wash their hands and do not wash their hands as many as 59 people (48%). The results of the study on the risk of diarrhea in school-age children at Parepare Catholic Elementary School were influenced by the habit of washing hands as much as 61 people (49.6%) and 62 people (50.4%) were not at risk. While the results of inferential statistical analysis with regression on the influence of hand washing habits through a parametric statistical approach, namely the two-variable relationship test that has a relationship, it is concluded that there is a significant effect between the habit of washing hands and the risk of diarrhea for school-age children in Parepare Catholic Elementary School children. p value = 0.907 for α = 0.05. This means that the R square value of 0.907 is the square of the correlation coefficient or the R value (0.952 x 0.952 = 0.907). R square can be called the coefficient of determination, in which case the students ‘hand washing habits are influenced by students’ actions to prevent the risk of diarrhea by 0.907%, the rest is influenced by other factors. It was concluded that the effect of students’ knowledge and positive attitudes on handwashing habits in preventing the risk of diarrhea in Parepare Catholic Elementary School children was still low. A mentoring effort is needed from parents in showing exemplary habits of washing hands in the home environment as well as continuous counseling from educators and health workers so that students get used to washing hands before and after doing activities in order to prevent the risk of diarrhea.
Keywords: School age children, habits, hand washing and diarrhea.
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