Latar belakang: Patient Safety merupakan tantangan bagi pelayanan kesehatan di seluruh dunia. WHO mencatat banyak terjadi kesalahan penanganan medis di sejumlah negara, termasuk negara yang berkembang. Lemahnya sistem pelayanan terkhususnya pada ketepatan identifikasi pasien di rumah sakit dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya kesalahan penanganan medis. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan ketepatan
identifikasi pasien terhadap patient safety di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Fatima Kota Parepare dan tekhnik yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Metode penelitian: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Hasil penelitian: Dari 30 perawat yang bertugas di ruang rawat inap rumah sakit fatima kota parepare, jenis kelamin perempuan 28 orang (93,33%) dan laki-laki 2 orang (6,66%), pendidikan DIII Keperawatan 17 orang (56,66%), S1 sebanyak 9 orang (30%) dan Ners sebanyak 4 orang (13,33%), pelaksanaan ketepatan identifikasi pasien 20 perawat memilih Sangat setuju, 9 perawat memilih Setuju , dan 1 perawat memilih ragu total presentasi (92,66%), pelaksanaan peran perawat 26 perawat memilih Sangat setuju dan 4 perawat Setuju total presentasi (97,33%), dan pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien 26 perawat memilih Sangat setuju dan 4 perawat memilih Setuju total presentasi (97,33%). Kesimpulan: Keterpayan identifikasi pasien, Peran perawat, dan Keselamatan Pasien dikategorikan Sangat Tepat. Saran: Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai pentingnya ketepatan identifikasi pasien di ruang rawat inap rumah sakit agar keselamatan pasien dapat terjamin.
Kata kunci: Ketepatan identifikasi pasien, Peran perawat dan Keselamatan Pasien
Background: Patient Safety is a challenge for health services throughout the world. WHO noted many medical errors occurred in a number of countries, including developing countries. Weak service systems, especially on the accuracy of identification of patients in the hospital can be the cause of medical mishandling. The purpose of this study: To find out the description of the implementation of the accuracy of patient identification of patient
safety in the inpatient room of Fatima Hospital in Parepare City and the technique used was purposive sampling. Research methods: Types of quantitative research with descriptive designs. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Results: Of the 30 nurses who served in the inpatient room of Fatima Hospital in Parepare City, female gender were 28 people (93.33%) and men were 2 people (6.66%), DIII Nursing education was 17 people (56,
66%), S1 as many as 9 people (30%) and nurses as many as 4 people (13.33%), the implementation of the accuracy of patient identification 20 nurses chose Strongly agree, 9 nurses chose Agree, and 1 nurse chose doubt total presentation (92.66 %), the implementation of the role of nurses 26 nurses chose strongly agree and 4 nurses agreed in total presentation (97.33%), and the implementation of patient safety 26 nurses chose strongly agreed and 4 nurses chose Agree in total presentation (97.33%). Conclusion: The reliability of patient identification, the role of nurses, and patient safety are categorized as very appropriate. Suggestion: The results of this study are expected to provide information on the importance of the accuracy of patient identification in hospital inpatients so that patient safety can be guaranteed.
Keywords: Accuracy of patient identification, Role of nurses and patient safety
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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